The mission of the Rafiki Village Project is to improve health, increase literacy, and promote economic prosperity in Tanzania by financing specific community projects in Tanzanian villages.
What we do
The Rafiki Village Project has entered into a collaborative partnership with the community of Dumbeta Ward. Like many rural communities in the developing world, Dumbeta Ward faces many challenges and hardships. We are working with the local community to improve education, health care and economic prosperity. We believe that addressing these three areas is the best way to have a direct, positive impact on people’s lives. Specifically, we are financing community supported projects, such as constructing infrastructure for supplying clean drinking water, building classrooms and school kitchens, and installing renewable energy projects. We also provide the five public schools and the public health clinic in the ward with quarterly stipends that are used to purchase school supplies, medications, and improvements to the facilities. Finally, we are supporting community savings groups. These help generate economic activity and give people hope that there is a way out of poverty.